All Unto Good

by Radosław Białek



All Unto Good allows you to create notes and lists, as well as import and export them to TXT format. It provides a white and a black theme with a high and low contrast.The texts can be filtered and sorted in various ways. The note can be opened in a special reading mode. A task in the list is checked and unchecked by tapping anywhere on the entire task row.The application is under development and a lot can change in it. Be sure to export your texts before updating. If you have any questions, please write me an e-mail me.PS. I believe in the dogma “Outside the Church There is No Salvation”, defined «ex cathedra» i.a. by Pope Innocent III at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215: “There is indeed one universal church of the faithful, outside of which nobody at all is saved” (Denzinger 430, Moreover, I believe that the last true Pope was Pius XII who died in 1958, and the so-called “Baptism of Desire” is a false theory, contrary to the teaching of the Magisterium. For more information I recommend visiting and